How to Remove a Background in Photoshop


How to remove a background in photoshop

If you are preparing the image for marketing or want to create a PNG then removing the background from the image becomes very important. History is very important and there are many ways to remove images. background, but we will remove the background image in Adobe Photoshop in this article. Here are 7 ways to get rid of background instantly

1. The Magic Wand Tool

The Magic Wand Tool is perfect for images with a clear contrast between the subject and the background. This tool selects areas of similar color with just a click, making it a quick solution for simple images.


  1. Select the Magic Wand Tool: The first thing you need to do is select the Magic Wand Tool.
  2. Set the tolerance: Now set the tolerance you think is appropriate in the options line. More tolerance to choose more colors. Start with tolerance of 30 and adjust as needed.
  3. Click the Background: Click on the background area you want to remove. The tool will select contiguous areas of similar color.
  4. Refine the Selection: Now press SHIFT to select the places you want to select i.e. the place you want to remove, if by mistake another place is selected then press ALT to end the selection.
  5. Delete the Background: Now after selecting all the background press the delete button and the background will be removed. Or go to the layer option and create a new layer and select the mask.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros: Quick and effective for high-contrast images.
  • Cons: Less effective for images with intricate details or similar colors between the subject and the background.

2. The Quick Selection Tool

The Magic Wand tool selects a large area by pressing anywhere once, requiring a single collar in the background. If there are more collars in the background such as scenery or walls, select Shift.


  1. Select the Quick Selection Tool: Found in the toolbar or by pressing W.
  2. Adjust Brush Size: In the options bar, adjust the brush size to fit the area you are selecting.
  3. Click and Drag: Click and drag over the subject. The tool will automatically select the area as you paint.
  4. Refine the selection: Hold down the function key to add to the selection, hold down the Alt key (Option on Mac) to delete.
  5. Erase the background: With the subject selected, create a mask or change the selection (Shift + Ctrl + I or Shift + Cmd + I on a Mac), then press Delete.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros: Intuitive and quick for subjects with clear edges.
  • Cons: May require refinement for more complex edges.

3. The Lasso Tool

The Lasso tool lets you make individual selections, giving you full control over what you select. It's best for images that are irregular or where other tools don't allow for accurate selection.


  1. Select the Lasso Tool: Press L or find it in the toolbar.
  2. Outline the Subject: Click and drag to draw around the subject. Close the selection by connecting to the starting point.
  3. Adjust Selection: Use Shift to add to the selection and Alt (Option on Mac) to subtract.
  4. Remove the Background: Invert the selection and press Delete, or create a mask.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros: Full control over the selection.
  • Cons: Time-consuming and less precise for detailed edges.

4. The Polygonal Lasso Tool

The Polygonal Lasso Tool is ideal for selecting subjects with straight edges. It allows you to create a selection by clicking points around the subject.


  1. Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool: Press L and select it from the fly-out menu.
  2. Click Around the Subject: Click to create points around the subject. Double-click to close the selection.
  3. Refine the Selection: Add or subtract areas using Shift and Alt (Option on Mac).
  4. Remove the Background: Invert the selection and press Delete, or create a mask.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros: Great for subjects with straight edges.
  • Cons: Less effective for curved or intricate edges.

5. The Pen Tool

The Pen Tool offers the highest level of precision for selecting complex subjects with fine details. It's a bit more advanced but highly effective for detailed work.


  1. Select the Pen Tool: Press P or find it in the toolbar.
  2. Draw Paths: Click to create anchor points around the subject. Click and drag for curved lines.
  3. Close the Path: Complete the path by connecting to the starting point.
  4. Convert Path to Selection: Right-click and choose "Make Selection."
  5. Remove the Background: Invert the selection and press Delete, or create a mask.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros: Highly precise, great for detailed work.
  • Cons: Steeper learning curve and time-consuming.

6. The Background Eraser Tool

The Background Eraser Tool works well for removing backgrounds with complex details and colors. It erases pixels based on color similarity.


  1. Select the Background Eraser Tool: Find it under the Eraser Tool or press E.
  2. Adjust Settings: Set the brush size and tolerance in the options bar.
  3. Erase the Background: Click and drag over the background to erase it. Adjust the tolerance as needed for different areas.
  4. Fine-Tune: Use smaller brush sizes for detailed areas.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros: Effective for complex backgrounds.
  • Cons: Can be challenging to control and may require multiple passes.

7. The Select and Mask Workspace

The Select and Mask Workspace is an advanced tool that combines several selection tools and offers powerful refining options. It's perfect for detailed selections and fine-tuning edges.


  1. Make an initial selection: Use the selection tools (Quick Selection, Magic Wand, etc.) to create a rough selection.
  2. Open Select and Mask: Click "Select and Mask" in the options bar.
  3. Refine Edge: Use tools like the Refine Edge Brush, the Smooth slider, and the Feather slider to perfect the selection.
  4. Output the Selection: Choose how to output the selection, such as a new layer with a mask.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros: Highly detailed and customizable.
  • Cons: Can be complex for beginners.


It's very easy to remove background from an image in Adobe Photoshop. As we mentioned the methods above, here are the advanced methods. By checking these, you can both change the background of your photo for better way and remove the background of your picture.

Practical Tips for Effective Background Removal

  1. Zoom In: When working on intricate details, zoom in on the image to ensure precision.
  2. Feather Edges: Use feathering to soften the edges of your selection, creating a more natural transition.
  3. Save Your Work: Always work on a duplicate layer and save your progress frequently.
  4. Use Layer Masks: Instead of deleting the background, use layer masks to preserve the original image and allow for non-destructive editing.
  5. Refine Edges: Utilize the Refine Edge or Select and Mask tools to improve the quality of your selection, especially around hair or other fine details.

Advanced Techniques

For those looking to go beyond the basics, consider these advanced techniques:

  1. Channels: Use the Channels panel to create a high-contrast selection of your subject. This method can be particularly useful for selecting hair or fur.
  2. Blending Modes: Experiment with blending modes to blend the subject smoothly into a new background.
  3. Color Range: Use the Color Range tool to select and remove specific colors from your background, providing more control over complex images.

Use these methods to remove photo background in the best way. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, here are 7 great ways to change background in Photoshop. Happy editing!

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