How to Attribute

How to Attribute Our Digital Products

When downloading and using our digital products (hereinafter referred to as "Assets") available for free on Artistic Edge, you are required to provide proper attribution as outlined below:

  1. Attribution Requirements:
    • For online use: Please include a credit line with a hyperlink back to [Your Website URL] on the same page where the asset is displayed. The text should be formatted as follows: " Digital Products by Artistic Edge, available at Artistic Edge."
    • For offline use: Please include a credit line adjacent to the asset, crediting "Digital Product by Artistic Edge, available at Artistic Edge."
  2. Placement of Attribution:
    • Ensure the attribution is prominently displayed near the asset or in the credits section of your project, depending on the context of use.
  3. Modification of Attribution:
    • You may adjust the formatting of the attribution to fit the design aesthetics of your project, but ensure the essential information Digital Products Artistic Edge remains clear and accessible.
  4. Additional Information:
    • If you have any questions regarding attribution or need specific guidance, please contact us at

Thank you for using our digital products responsibly and respecting our terms of use.


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