Term of use

 Terms of Use for Artistic Edge

Welcome to Artistic Edge, your go-to resource for free graphics and educational content. By accessing our website and downloading any elements, you agree to the following terms:

  1. Non-commercial Use: All graphics and resources provided on Artistic Edge are for personal and educational use only. You may not use these resources for commercial purposes or resale.

  2. Attribution: While not required, we appreciate credit when you use our resources, but it's not mandatory.

  3. Modifications: Feel free to modify the graphics to suit your needs. However, please do not redistribute or claim ownership of the modified versions.

  4. No Redistribution: You may not redistribute or sell any resources from Artistic Edge, whether in their original form or any modified version.

  5. Disclaimer: We strive to provide accurate and high-quality resources; however, Artistic Edge does not guarantee the suitability, reliability, or accuracy of any content on this site.

  6. Legal Compliance: By using our site, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding online conduct and content usage.

  7. Changes to Terms: Artistic Edge reserves the right to update or modify these terms of use at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically for changes.

Thank you for using Artistic Edge! Enjoy creating with our resources and learning through our educational content."

Feel free to adjust the wording to match your specific policies and tone!

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